VegaFina, the modern and innovating cigar brand. One of the biggest cigar factory in the world. We are the official brand representative of this quality cigar in China. This premium quality of cigar, officially introduce into China market in 2013.
The Plasencia Company was founded in 1865 in San Luis, Pinar de Rio, Cuba. 5 Generations of Plasencia’s and more than 150 years of experience working Passionately with Tobacco. Plasencia is world leader in cigar manufacturing.
World class Smoking Accessories is very cigar lover's must-have items
Extraordinary design, excellent craftsmanship, and distinguish in very detail. This completes the whole package for the customer of enjoying a fine cigar & tobacco
We offer comprehensive selection of the fine accessories
Exclusive agent of the finest brand in China
《epicur》is a magazine of 20 years history with high reputation in the professional cigar industry
Entered in China in 2013, Kuiyi as the exclusive publisher of Epicur Chinese and English edition in Asia, has been dedicated to the promotion communications of cigar culture, and owns the epicur website and subscribers.